Genetic Variability And Principal Component Analysis Of The Safflower Germplasm Mapping Panel (Sgmp)


  • Usha Kiran Betha ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar (ICAR-IIOR), Hyderabad – 500 085, Telangana (India)
  • V Dinesh Kumar ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar (ICAR-IIOR), Hyderabad – 500 085, Telangana (India)
  • A Uma Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, Telangana – 500 085 (India)



Genetic diversity, principal component analysis, safflower, variability


Worldwide there is focus on the development of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) varieties having high seed yield coupled with high oil content. The present  study was aimed to evaluate the safflower germplasm mapping panel (SGMP)  for major seed yield traits and oil content to improve oil productivity of varieties.  SGMP consisting of 200 safflower germplasm accessions and four checks (A-1,  PBNS-12, NARI-6, NARI-57) were evaluated for 9 quantitative characters  during 2016-17. The distribution of data for phenological characters and seed  yield was normal, with the exception for seed size and 100-seed weight. The oil  content was positively skewed toward higher values, thus indicating panel  homogeneity. The studied traits showed significant variation in the germplasm  panel. Seed yield and its related characters had high genotypic and phenotypic  coefficients of variation, while oil content showed moderate coefficient of  variation. Broad sense heritability and genetic advance over percent mean were  high for most traits. The principal component analysis revealed that four  components explained 75.3% of total variation. There was a strong correlation  between seed yield, capitula plant-1, and number of branches plant-1. Superior  accessions for each character were identified over the best check. The safflower  germplasm mapping panel had wide range variability for the traits studies, and  the best accessions can be used in safflower improvement programme. In terms  of seed yield, genotypes A1, EC736504, and GMU6663 performed better. Genotype EC736504 gave higher seed yield and oil content. In terms of seed  yield, genotypes A1, EC736504, and GMU6663 performed better; however,  genotype EC736504 gave higher seed yield coupled with high oil content. For oil  improvement, 26 germplasm lines performed better than the checks. 


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How to Cite

Genetic Variability And Principal Component Analysis Of The Safflower Germplasm Mapping Panel (Sgmp). (2023). Applied Biological Research, 25(2), 160-168.