In Vitro Efficacy Of Some Indian Medicinal Plants As Microbicides And Their Biosafety Analysis


  • Boskey Pancholi Department of Biotechnology, University of Kota, Kota – 324 010, Rajasthan (India)



Acacia catechu, Caco-2 cell lines, Lagerstromia spaciosa, microbicides, MTT assay, Terminalia chebula, vaginal microflora, vaginal pathogens


Women acquire HIV virus mostly by heterosexual exposure and the anti ritroviral therapy is costly as well as have various side effects. The topical  microbicide formulations applied vaginally or rectally were investigated as a  strategy for HIV prevention. In present study three medicinal plants, Acacia  catechu (L.f.) Willd, Lagerstromia spaciosa (L.) Pers. and Terminalia chebula Retz., were examined for their safety profile against four strains of vaginal  microflora. In vitro production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and their  antimicrobial activities against vaginal pathogens were assessed. Aqueous and  50% ethanolic leaf extracts of L. speciosa and P. longifolia did not inhibit the  growth of vaginal microflora, whereas n-butanol fraction of A. catechu showed  some inhibitory action. Similar observations were noted with Caco-2 cell line  pro-inflammatory cytokines analysis. The test plant materials were nontoxic at  low concentration but n-butanolic fraction of A. catechu demonstrated some  toxicity. The extracts also inhibited the vaginal pathogens as compared to the  standard chemicals Zidouvdine and Saquinavir. The study revealed the positive  therapeutic potential of the studied plants as effective microbicide and can be  explored for the development of topical anti HIV agents. 


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How to Cite

In Vitro Efficacy Of Some Indian Medicinal Plants As Microbicides And Their Biosafety Analysis . (2023). Applied Biological Research, 25(2), 197-207.