Determinants Of Abdominal Obesity Among Punjabi Adult Males Of India


  • Dayadeep Kaur Grewal Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Community Sciences, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana – 141 001, Punjab (India)
  • Kiran Bains Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Community Sciences, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana – 141 001, Punjab (India)
  • Renuka Aggarwal Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Community Sciences, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana – 141 001, Punjab (India)



Abdominal obesity, animal: plant protein ratio, males, protein, waist circumference


The purpose of this study was to highlight the determinants of abdominal  obesity among Punjabi adult males. A total of 102 volunteer male subjects  (40-60 yr) belonging to a group of people who regularly visited the Punjab  Agricultural University campus, Ludhiana (India) for either morning or evening walk were enrolled for a study to identify dominant factors  associated with abdominal obesity (AO) among the subjects. The subjects  were divided into three groups as per their AO grade. The anthropometric  parameters, food intake, physical activity and substance use were recorded  using standardized procedures. All the anthropometric parameters of the  studied group were higher than the reference values. The daily protein  intake of subjects with grade II AO was significantly (p ≤ 0.001) lower than  the subjects with either no AO or grade I AO. The maximum number of  subjects as regular alcohol drinkers was highest in grade II of AO. Physical  activity like walking, jogging etc. was more prevalent in groups with lower  abdominal obesity. Physical activities were inversely and significantly (p ≤ 0.01, 0.05) correlated with body weight and BMI. Animal protein to plant  protein ratio had a positive and significant (p ≤ 0.10, 0.05) relationship with  body weight and BMI. The results concluded that the waist hip ratio, waist height ratio, conicity index and abdominal volume index are more reliable  parameters for determining abdominal obesity and physical activity is  more prominent determinant of abdominal obesity in comparison to dietary factors. 


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How to Cite

Determinants Of Abdominal Obesity Among Punjabi Adult Males Of India . (2020). Applied Biological Research, 22(3), 226-237.