Response Of Rootstocks And Soil Agro-Techniques To Replant Problem In Apple (Malus × Domestica Borkh.)


  • D P Sharma Department of Fruit Science, Dr Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan - 173 230, Himachal Pradesh (India)
  • N Singh Department of Fruit Science, Dr Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan - 173 230, Himachal Pradesh (India)
  • K Seema Horticulture Development Officer, Dev Block, Aani, Kullu - 172 026, Himachal Pradesh (India)



Apple replant problem, biocontrol, growth, photosynthetic efficiency, rootstocks


A study was conducted to assess the impact of soil agro-techniques and  rootstocks on new apple plantation at an old declining apple orchard site.  The study comprised of 20 treatments viz., four apple rootstocks namely Seedling, Merton 793, MM.111 and M.7, and five soil agro-techniques i.e. soil fumigation with formaldehyde, PGPR (Bacillus licheniformis CK-1), biocontrol (Trichoderma viride), combined agro-techniques and untreated  control. The rootstock of ‘Merton 793’, combined soil agro-techniques and  their combination showed higher growth (height, leaf area, feathers and plant volume) and improved physiological activities (chlorophyll content,  photosynthetic efficiency and chlorophyll fluorescence) as compared to the  other rootstocks and untreated control under replant situations. These  approaches can be effectively adopted to overcome the replant problem in  apple orchards.


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How to Cite

Response Of Rootstocks And Soil Agro-Techniques To Replant Problem In Apple (Malus × Domestica Borkh.) . (2020). Applied Biological Research, 22(3), 261-269.