Impact Of Storage Temperature And Packaging On Seed Germination And Viability Of Nemesia Strumosa Benth


  • K K Dhatt Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Agriculture, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana - 141 004, Punjab (India)



Nemesia, seed germination, seed storage, viability


The seeds of Nemesia strumosa were packed in five different packaging (cloth bag in desiccator, plastic bin, polyethylene bag [600 gauze], cloth bag and  aluminum foil pack) and stored in three storage chambers viz., cold storage  (0-4°C and 90±2.7% RH), incubator (20-22°C and 75±1.5% RH) and  ambient conditions for 18 months from May 2015 to October, 2016. The seed  germination and seed viability were monitored at monthly interval from  every packaging and storage chamber in three replications of 100 seed each.  The seeds kept in cold storage depicted significantly higher germination  (28.6%). The results revealed that seed germination remained above 90%  during the initial four months of storage, which decreased gradually to  82.6% after five months in November. Maximum seed germination was  recorded from aluminum foil pack (27.5%). The seed stored in cold store  either in aluminum foil or desiccator showed germination upto 12 months  while cloth bags gave least germination, irrespective of storage temperature.  Maximum seed viability (30.5%) was recorded in cold store, followed by  ambient storage (26.1%) for 18 months. The storage in desiccator maintained  maximum viability (28.8%) which was at par with aluminum foil (28.4%)  after 18 months of storage. 


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How to Cite

Impact Of Storage Temperature And Packaging On Seed Germination And Viability Of Nemesia Strumosa Benth . (2018). Applied Biological Research, 20(2), 146-153.