Quality Of Bottle Gourd-Strawberry Blended Toffee During Storage


  • Tsering Norzom Division of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, S.K. University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Chatha, Jammu - 180 009, Jammu & Kashmir (India)
  • Julie D Bandral Division of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, S.K. University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Chatha, Jammu - 180 009, Jammu & Kashmir (India)
  • Monika Sood Division of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, S.K. University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Chatha, Jammu - 180 009, Jammu & Kashmir (India)
  • Awsi Jan Division of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, S.K. University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Chatha, Jammu - 180 009, Jammu & Kashmir (India)




Bottle gourd, strawberry, toffee, quality, minerals, storage


The present study was aimed to develop bottle gourd-strawberry blended  toffee and assess the changes in its chemical composition and sensory properties during storage. The bottle gourd and strawberry pulps weremixed and heated till reduced by half. Ingredients like sugar, glucose, butter and skim milk powder were added and the contents cooked until TSS of 78° Brix was achieved. The cooked mass was moulded into toffee and wrapped in butter paper and transparent plastic film and packed in laminated pouches  before stored in air-tight jars under ambient conditions (37±5°C) for 90 days.  Maximum phosphorus content of 23.4 mg 100 g-1 was noticed in 0:100::bottle  gourd: strawberry treatment while maximum calcium content of 26.33 mg 100 g-1 was observed in 100:0::bottle gourd: strawberry treatment. The antioxidant content in bottle gourd-strawberry blended toffee decreased with  the advancement in storage period. Maximum total phenol and anthocyanin  contents were found in 0:100::bottle gourd: strawberry. No microbial  contamination was found upto 60 days, but after 90 days of storage the  highest microbial count of 0.46 × 104 cfu was found in 100:0: bottle gourd: strawberry. The 30:70::bottle gourd: strawberry treatment gave highest  score for colour (8.34), flavour (8.29) and taste (8.23). Overall, 30:70:: bottle  gourd: strawberry treatment proved superior over other combinations with  respect to sensory attributes. However, the prepared toffees were acceptable  after 90 days of storage under ambient conditions. 


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How to Cite

Quality Of Bottle Gourd-Strawberry Blended Toffee During Storage . (2018). Applied Biological Research, 20(2), 193-199. https://doi.org/10.48165/