
  • Javaid Yousuf Lone Department of Botany, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar – 190 006, Jammu and Kashmir (India)
  • Irshad Ahmad Sofi Department of Botany, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar – 190 006, Jammu and Kashmir (India)



Association, elevation, Sonamarg, phytosociology, range expansion, Sambucus wightiana


Mountainous regions are more sensitive to climate change so the plant  biodiversity along elevation faces many obstacles than just competition.  Thus, many plant species in these ecosystems make slight alteration in their  ranges for survival. In the mountainous areas of North-Western Himalayan  region, Sambucus wightiana is one of the major subshrub species that has  begun to extend its distribution. Despite its wide distribution across the  North-Western Himalaya, ncomprehensive and reliable published study  detailing the phytosociology of S. wightiana is available. Therefore, in the  present study, the phytosociological relationships of S. wightiana in the  Sonamarg area was studied. The study area was divided into 11 altitudinal  bands, from lowest thighest sampling locations. The plant species  associated and not associated with S. wightiana at each altitudinal band were  collected using standard taxonomic techniques. A total of 76 plant species  belonging to 35 families were found along the altitudinal gradient from 1723  to 2858 m masl. The study clearly revealed the relationship of a few plant  species with S. wightiana and the absence of other species in S. wightiana plots. The findings suggest that S. wightiana has developed distinct phytosociological connections, which may alter because of the expected  climate change as most of the species may exhibit distinctive responses to  mountain warming. 


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How to Cite

PHYTOSOCIOLOGY OF Sambucus wightiana Wall. ex Wight and Arn. IN SONAMARG AREA OF NORTH-WESTERN HIMALAYA . (2023). Applied Biological Research, 24(4), 530-535.