The Relation of Miasms in Homoeopathic Treatment, as add on, in Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis


  • Ghotia Sapna Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy M.N. Homoeopathic Medical College & R.I., Bikaner
  • Aijaz Aziz Sulemani Principal, Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Repertory M.N. Homoeopathic Medical College & R.I., Bikaner
  • Sourik Ghosh Associate Professor, Department of Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy, M. N. Homoeopathic Medical College & R.I., Bikaner
  • Shivangi Kansal Assistant Professor, Department of Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy, M. N. Homoeopathic Medical College & R.I., Bikaner
  • Pardeep Kaur Assistant Professor, Department of Repertory, M. N. Homoeopathic Medical College & R.I., Bikaner
  • Sakshi Mehrotra Assistant Professor, Department of Materia Medica, M. N. Homoeopathic Medical College & R.I., Bikaner


Rheumatoid Arthritis, Placebo, Homeopathy, NPRS


Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology marked by a symmetric, peripheral polyarthritis. The proposed study aims to compare the role of Homoeopathic medicines and Placebo, along with physiotherapy in management of rheumatoid arthritis. 

Objective: To assess pre and post NPRS for pain management in both treatment groups of rheumatoid arthritis patients and to study the relation of miasms in rheumatoid arthritis. 

StudyDesign: Aprospective, single blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. 

Materials and Methodology: 60 Cases of RA were randomly allocated to the two treatment groups, Homeopathic medicine group- Group A (n=30) and Placebo group- Group B (n=30) treated with individualized Homoeopathic medicine and Placebo.The outcome measures were lowering of NPRS Score in both groups after three months of treatment. 

Results: Among 60 cases of RA the relation of miasm with response to treatment in Group A has shown that the predominant sycoticmiasm (n=17) showed marked improvement in 7 cases with reduction in average NPRS from 7 to 2.5.The second predominant miasm found in this study is Psora- sycosis (n=7) showed marked improvement in 3 cases with reduction in average NPRS from 7 to 3.4 and in Psora (n=2) showed marked improvement in 1 case with reduction in average NPRS from 8 to 2.5.Whereas in Group B the predominant miasms Sycosis (n=14), Psora-Sycosis (n=10) and Psora (n=5) showed mild improvement in 1 case each with no specific variation in before and after average NPRS Score.The most frequently prescribed medicine was Bryonia (n=4), Rhustox (n=4), Calcareaphos (n=3), Nuxvom (n=3), Phosphorus (n=3), Calcarea carb (n=2), Chamomilla (n=2), Lycopodium (n=2), Belladonna (n=1), Benzoic acid (n=1), Berberis vul (n=1), Cinchona officinalis (n=1), Lachesis (n=1), Pulsatilla (n=1) and Silicea (n=1). 

Conclusion:Homeopathic medicines are effective as add on treatment in decreasing pain in cases of RA as compared to Placebo assessed by NPRS score.



How to Cite

The Relation of Miasms in Homoeopathic Treatment, as add on, in Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis. (2020). Advancements in Homeopathic Research, 5(3), 13-18.