Hahnemann’s Concept of Posology and its Utility


  • Sandip S. Narwadkar Principal/Professor P.D. Jain Hom. Med. College, Parbhani (M S)
  • Manjusha A. Joshi Head of Department, H. Pharmacy & PG – Coordinator P.D. Jain Hom. Med. College, Parbhani (M S)
  • Shivaji H. Chavan Reader, Dept. of H.M.M. P.D. Jain Hom. Med.College, Parbhani
  • Bharat N. Yeole Lecturer, Dept. of Repertory P.D. Jain Hom. Med.College, Parbhani
  • Sameera Kazi Lecturer, Dept. of Organon P.D. Jain Hom. Med.College, Parbhani
  • Pratibha Patil Lecturer , Dept. of H.M.M. P.D. Jain Hom. Med.College, Parbhani


Posology., homoeopathic, Medicine, chronic disease


The Homoeopathic Science is the Science of determining and understanding of dose as based on research into large number of factors. We have tried our sincere efforts & humble attempts to focus on concept of Posology. 



How to Cite

Hahnemann’s Concept of Posology and its Utility . (2022). Advancements in Homeopathic Research, 2(2), 42-44. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ahr/article/view/1986