Psychographic Behavioural Background of Watching Hindi Web Series on Over-The-Top Platforms


  • Tilakdeb Mukherjee Research Scholar Department of Management StudiesJ C Bose University of Science and Technology, Faridabad (Haryana) Author
  • Rupali Madan Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Management StudiesJ C Bose University of Science and Technology, Faridabad (Haryana) Author



Psychographics, Behavioral Patterns, Hindi Web Series, OTT Platforms, Digital Consumption, Viewer Motivation, Demographic Analysis, Content Preferences, Psychosocial Impact


This study inspects the psychographic and personal conduct standards of watchers of Hindi web series contents on beyond ridiculous (Over-The-Top) platforms. The investigation centers around grasping the motivations, segment profiles, seeing propensities and the more extensive psychosocial effect of this pattern. This study utilized Biblioshiny, an online bibliometric analysis tool, to examine a number of papers sourced from different databases including the Scopus database. The keywords “psychographics”, “digital consumption” and “web series” will let to identify over-the-top content preferences. This review gives a thorough outline of the developing scene of online content consumption in India, focusing on the language of Hindi. Key discoveries show a transcendent youthful, metropolitan and educated crowd, with unmistakable inclinations and standards of conduct that have huge implications for content makers and advertisers.


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How to Cite

Psychographic Behavioural Background of Watching Hindi Web Series on Over-The-Top Platforms . (2025). Don Bosco Institute of Technology Delhi Journal of Research, 1(2), 12-23.