Need of Research in Homoeopthy


  • D S Bhar Hahnemann Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 165 Bipin Behary Ganguly Street, Kolkata 700012 Author


homoeopathy, medicines, water


It is a fact that among all the  alternative medical systems,  according to the World Health  Organization, homoeopathy is the  most sought after medical treatment  method in the world. A large number  of people throughout this planet seek  this method of treatment for getting  relief from their ailments. As per  World Health Organization Report  2019, homoeopathy is used in 100  member states with 22 member  states having regulations for  providers, while 13 member states  have health insurance coverage. In  99 states, the main challenge with  regard to regulatory issues is lack of  research data. In spite of the above  fact and though Homoeopathic  treatment has been found to be  effective in a number of diseases, in  some quarter homoeopathy is still  regarded as a pseudo-science. The  sceptics always argue that dilution  level of homoeopathic medicines is  so high that according to classical  science no molecule of the original  drug material can exist in the  dispensed medicine. Till yester  years we did not have any answer  to this criticism as homoeopathic  medicines could not be tested in  a laboratory, no instrument was  available at that time to detect  and differentiate homoeopathic  medicines from pure alcohol or  water. The only argument we had  that we have exhibited number  of cures of so called impossible  diseases which cannot be denied.  But the situation is changing. With  introduction of very sophisticated  and accurate instruments, apart from  our old argument of showing cure,  now we can show that homoeopathic  medicines are not merely alcohol  or water and our medicines are  physico-chemically different from  them. 


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