Clinical Verification of Individualized Homoeopathic Medicine Lycopodium in Allergic Contact Dermatitits: A Case Study


  • Tarkeshwar Jain Head, Department of Materia Medica (Hom.), Dr. M.P.K. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Center. Homoeopathy University, Jaipur Author
  • Gaurav Nagar Prof. Dept. Of Materia Medica (Hom.), Dr. M.P.K. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Center. Homoeopathy University,Jaipur. Author
  • Neha Mahawer MD Scholar, Department of Materia Medica, Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur Author


Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Homoeopathy, Lycopodium


Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a common skin disease caused by a T cell-mediated immune reaction to innocuous allergens which leads to erythema and scaling with visible borders, itching and discomfort also occur. In acute cases flare with erythema, vesicles, and bullae may develop; in chronic cases-lichen with cracks and fissures may develop.This case represents a case of allergic contact dermatitis treated with homoeopathic remedy Lycopodium. A 48 year old male patient visited OPD on 14/11/2019with complaint of eczematous eruption on finger and palm of right hand with intense itching and desire to scratch, itching use to aggravate at night, cold temperature and doing cement work (which was his occupation). This patient improved with Lycopodium 200, single dose. 


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How to Cite

Clinical Verification of Individualized Homoeopathic Medicine Lycopodium in Allergic Contact Dermatitits: A Case Study . (2021). Homoeopathy for All, 23(7), 70-73.