Allergic Rhinitis-Homeopathic Management


  • Geeta Rani Arora BHMS, MD (Hom) Chief Consultant, Heal with Homeopathy K-30 B, Basement, Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019 Faculty, London College of Homeopathy Author
  • Arti Goyal BHMS, MD (Hom) Formerly at Heal with Homeopathy CCRH, SRF Author


perennial, containing dust mite antigens, Aetiology


Allergic Rhinitis is a disorder which ischaracterized by sneezing; rhinorrhea; obstruction of the nasal passages; conjunctiva,nasal, and pharyngeal itching; and lacrimation, all occurring in a temporalrelationship to allergen exposure. Perennial allergic rhinitis occurs in response to allergens that are present throughout the year such as housedust (containing dust mite antigens) and animal dander.2 It may be seasonal or perennial.1


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