Breeding strategies for improvement ofber (Ziziphus sp.)


  • Mukesh Kumar CCS Haryana Agricultural University, RRS, Bawal (Rewari) 1 ICAR-Central Institute Author
  • P L Sarof CCS Haryana Agricultural University, RRS, Bawal (Rewari) Author
  • R K Gaur CCS Haryana Agricultural University, RRS, Bawal (Rewari) Author
  • B D Sharma CCS Haryana Agricultural University, RRS, Bawal (Rewari) Author
  • Manoj Kumar CCS Haryana Agricultural University, RRS, Bawal (Rewari) Author


Ber, germplasm diversity, flower biology, selection, hybridization


A significant diversity is available in ber germplasm in India as well in other countries which can be exploited through  apposite breeding approaches. There is urgent need to develop varieties which are tolerant to fruit fly and powdery mildew.  Earliness is desirable particularly in dry regions for growing ber under rainfed or limited irrigation conditions. There is a need to  develop dwarfing, high yielding varieties/rootstocks, varieties suitable for high density planting and early bearing varieties  having a better quality of fruits with more storage life. The variety should yield consistently with the local requirements of  maturity time, tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses- resistance to frost, insect pests, diseases, and suitable for post-harvest uses  (processing, dehydration, candying). The germplasm suitable for canopy management methods and cultural practices is to be  introduced and developed. There are two main bottlenecks in ber breeding programme; polyploidy and incompatibility in its  cultivars. Besides these, other constraints in improvement are typical floral morphology, short period of anthesis and stigma  receptivity and limited period of fruits availability, owing to these, fruit setting is very less (<10%). The hybridization/crossing  protocol need to be standardized, which is also a challenge in ber breeding.  


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How to Cite

Breeding strategies for improvement ofber (Ziziphus sp.) . (2024). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 2(1&2), 1-10.