Evaluation of pomegranate varieties for growth and fruit quality attributes under Andhra Pradesh condition


  • B Srinivasulu Horticulture Research Station, Anantapur, Dr. YSR HU, Venkataramannagudem Author
  • B Vimala Horticulture Research Station, Anantapur, Dr. YSR HU, Venkataramannagudem Author
  • P Deepthi Horticulture Research Station, Anantapur, Dr. YSR HU, Venkataramannagudem Author
  • K Subramanyam Horticulture Research Station, Anantapur, Dr. YSR HU, Venkataramannagudem Author
  • Shaik Tahir Ibrahim Horticulture Research Station, Anantapur, Dr. YSR HU, Venkataramannagudem Author
  • Pushpa Latha M Horticulture Research Station, Anantapur, Dr. YSR HU, Venkataramannagudem Author


Pomegranate, varietal evaluation, ruit quality, yield


Five pomegranate varieties (Ganesh, Mridula, Bhagwa, Ruby and Jalore Seedless) were evaluated for vegetative and quality parameters for consecutive seven years under at Horticulture Research Station, Anantapur. Jalore Seedless (check) recorded significantly highest values for plant height (2.99 m), no. of stems per plant (5.25) and plant spread (2.64 m EW 2.5 lm NS). Among all the varieties, fruit yield per plant and per hectare was highest in Bhagwa (19.13 kg and 11.96 t) with fruit weight of 305.21g, total aril weight (168.05g) and 100 aril weight (35.35 g) TSS ofl 7.87°Brix. Bhagwa was best performer as compared to other popular varieties like Ganesh, Mridula, Ruby and Jalore Seedless. Therefore, on the basis of plant growth and fruit quality attributes variety Bhagwa is recommended for arid regions of Andhra Pradesh.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of pomegranate varieties for growth and fruit quality attributes under Andhra Pradesh condition. (2021). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 2(1&2), 18-20. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijah/article/view/13554