Impact of systematic improvement in jamun (Syzygium cuminii Skeels) cultivars on yield and quality of fruits


  • D S Mishra ICAR-Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Vejalpur-389340, Panchmahal, Gujarat Author
  • A K Singh ICAR-Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Vejalpur-389340, Panchmahal, Gujarat Author
  • Jagadish Rane ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, Beechwal, Bikaner-334006, Rajasthan Author



fruit, jamun, yield, yield, fruit weight



Jamun (Syzygium cumini) is a promising fruit crop for cultivation in central  Gujarat due to its high adaptability to diverse environmental conditions and  appreciable fruit yield. The genetic diversity and climate factors can influence tree  growth, yield and quality attributes of jamun. This study aimed to assess the effects  of genotype and year effect on the performance of four cultivars of jamun under  rainfed conditions in central Gujarat (India). Experiments were carried out during  2020–2021 and 2021–2022. The experimental design was a randomized block  design with three replications. Results revealed that the tree growth, fruit yield and  fruit quality parameters were significantly affected by genotype while the year had  a significant effect on plant growth characters only. In general, CISHJ-37 recorded  the higher tree height, spread and stem girth over the years in comparison to other  cultivars. However, fruit weight and pulp content were found stable over the years  as not significantly affected by the year’s effect. Goma Priyanka and CISHJ-37  recorded the higher fruit and pulp weight while higher pulp (%) was recorded in  CISHJ-42 during both the years. However, Goma Priyanka recorded significantly  higher yield/tree during both the years followed by CISHJ-37 while least was  observed in CISHJ-42. Similarly, higher TSS and acidity were recorded in Goma  Priyanka and CISHJ-37 compared to Konkan Bahadoli. The “genotype” factor  significantly affected fruit yield and quality attributes. The results indicate that,  under rainfed conditions, high yielding improved cultivars like Goma Priyanka  and CISHJ-37 can be profitable in central Gujarat. 


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AOAC. 1980. Official Methods of Analysis of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington, DC, USA.

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How to Cite

Impact of systematic improvement in jamun (Syzygium cuminii Skeels) cultivars on yield and quality of fruits. (2024). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 3(1&2), 8-12.