Artificial Pollination in date palm: a review


  • Kapil Mohan Sharma Date Palm Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Mundra-Kachchh, Gujarat- 370421 Author
  • D A Baidiyavadra Date Palm Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Mundra-Kachchh, Gujarat- 370421 Author
  • Hiralal Chaudhary Date Palm Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Mundra-Kachchh, Gujarat- 370421 Author



date palm, Pistillate Receptivity, Pollination, Pollen storage


One of the most crucial and time-consuming agronomical procedures in date cultivation is pollination, which is necessary to achieve the required yield. Fruit growth, quality, and yield are greatly impacted by date palm pollen (DPP), which is also highly influenced by pollen structure, viability, and germination capacity. In commercial farming, pollen management involves keeping pollen under refrigeration and combining it with different adjuvants to reduce the amount of pollen needed for pollination. Pollination success is further influenced by female flowers and their receptivity, therefore careful monitoring is essential to notice the timing of anthesis of the female inflorescence. Mechanized tools have made the tedious act of pollination easier, and pollination techniques have improved with time. In addition to aiding in pollination, pollen is also used as a secondary food source for a number of illnesses, including male infertility. The significance of pollen, how to utilize it and potential issues during cultivation are all covered in this article.



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How to Cite

Artificial Pollination in date palm: a review. (2024). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 3(1&2), 1-7.