Integrated nutrient management in arid zone fruit crop production -  A review


  • J Jayachitra Regional Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Aruppukottai - 626101 Author
  • N Richard Kennedy Regional Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Aruppukottai - 626101 Author



Nutrient management, fruit yield, quality, soil fertility , crop productivity



The indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides along with improper nutrient  management is deleterious to the plant health, environment and human being  who consume them. The quality attributes of different fruits are badly affected due  to indiscriminate application of inorganic agro-chemicals which results in quality  deterioration with less consumer preference and low returns to the growers. It  also causes soil health deterioration and disturbs the soil microorganisms. Such  practices are also common among the fruit growers. Due to these practices, the  plants also become susceptible to several biotic and abiotic stresses. Therefore, it is  a holistic approach based on usage of all possible sources of plant nutrients in an  integrated manner is considered as alternative source to maintain soil fertility and  plant nutrient supply for sustaining the desired crop productivity. is the most serious problem worldwide, particularly for  African countries and India. Therefore, 195 nations have  The world population (7.87 billion) is currently growing  at a rate of 1.03% per year and is expected to reach around  9.6 billion in 2050. India has 1.38 billion people accounting  for 17.5% of the world population, with a meagre 2.4% of  the world surface area (UN, 2021). Now a days, the greatest  challenge is to provide this burgeoning population with  stable, safe and nutritious quality food. In the current Global  Hunger Index (GHI), India stands at position 101 of 116  countries; this presents a gloomy situation in combating  malnutrition, eventually affecting the socio-economic  progress (Grebmer et al., 2020). The World Health  Organization (WHO) has also indicated that hungriness.


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How to Cite

Integrated nutrient management in arid zone fruit crop production -  A review. (2024). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 3(1&2), 47-54.