Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of radish (Raphanus sativus L.)" cv. Pusa Desi


  • Shweta Soni Department of Horticulture, Doon (PG) College of Agriculture Science and Technology, Selaqui, Dehradun (UK) Author
  • Lipika Das Department of Horticulture, Doon (PG) College of Agriculture Science and Technology, Selaqui, Dehradun (UK) Author
  • Govind Vishwakarma Department of Horticulture, Doon (PG) College of Agriculture Science and Technology, Selaqui, Dehradun (UK) Author
  • Priya Awasthi Department of Horticulture, Doon (PG) College of Agriculture Science and Technology, Selaqui, Dehradun (UK) Author


FYM, fertilizers, vermicompost


The present investigation was conducted during 2016-2017 in the Department of Horticulture, Doon (PG) College of Agriculture Science and Technology, Selaqui, Dehradun (UK). The treatments included inorganic fertilizers (recommended dose of NPK, i.e. 120:80:100 kg/ha), inoculation of organic manures (recommended dose of FYM and Vermicompost) and their combinations. There was eight treatment including control. The tretments are T, (100% FYM), T2 (100% Vermicompost), T, (100% NPK), T, ( 100% FYM + 100% NPK), T, (100% FYM + 100% Vermicompost), T, (100% FYM +50% NPK), T, (100% FYM+50% Vermicompost), T, (Control). The highest growth and yield parameters was recorded in T, treatments and significantly the lowest was recorded in T, (Control). The result of the present investigation demonstrated that among different organic and inorganic fertilizers tried, FYM (100%) combined with Vermicompost (100%) can be considered as the best treatment obtaining higher growth and root yield in radish. Under organic cultivation of radish, for obtaining maximum net returns, vermicompost (100%) may be used as an organic source of nutrient


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How to Cite

Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of radish (Raphanus sativus L.)" cv. Pusa Desi . (2019). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 1(1), 43-46. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijah/article/view/14223