Evaluation of guava (Psidium guajava L.) germplasm under semi-arid environment of central Gujarat


  • D S Mishra ICAR-CIAH Regional Station Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Vejalpur, Panchmahal, (Godhra), Gujarat-389340 Author
  • Sanjay Singh ICAR-CIAH Regional Station Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Author
  • A K Singh ICAR-CIAH Regional Station Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Vejalpur, Panchmahal, (Godhra), Gujarat-389340 Author
  • Vikas Yadav ICAR-CIAH Regional Station Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Vejalpur, Panchmahal, (Godhra), Gujarat-389340 Author
  • Vikas Yadav ICAR-CIAH Regional Station Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Vejalpur, Panchmahal, (Godhra), Gujarat-389340 Author
  • P L Saroj ICAR-CIAH Regional Station Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Vejalpur, Panchmahal, (Godhra), Gujarat-389340 Author


Environment, evaluation, germplasm, guava


The growth, yield and fruit quality characters of twenty one germplasm including varieties of guava were evaluated during the winter season of 2018-19. Plant growth habit of most of the guava genotypes found to be upright growing followed by Semi spreading and spreading. Plant height was observed higher in CHESG-11 followed by CHESG-5 whereas plant spread and stem diameter were higher in CHESG-16 and CHESG-24 respectively. The highest yield tree was recorded in fruit yield/tree was recorded in CHESG-21 followed by CHESG-15 while the minimum fruit yield was found in Dhawal. All the evaluated germplasm had white flesh except Lalit, CHESG-2, CHESG-15, CHESG-16, CHESG-21 and CHESG-24. The maximum fruit weight was observed in MPUAT-2 (322.33 g) while the minimum fruit weight was recorded in Dhawal (97.66 g) followed by MPUAT-1 (106.83 g). The maximum fruit length was recorded in CHESG-21 (8.82 cm) followed by Thai guava (8.22 cm) while the highest width was found in MPUAT-2 (8.71 cm) followed by Thai guava (8.22 cm). MPUAT-2 also recorded the maximum seed core diameter (6.0 cm) and pulp thickness (1.70 cm). The highest 100 seed weight was noted in VNNR Vihil (1.97 g) followed by CHESG-2 (1.56 g) while it was recorded least in CHESG-15 (0.87 g). The highest TSS was recorded in Dhawal (20.0 'Brix), however, the highest TSS:acidity was observed in CHESG-15 (29.64). The maximum acidity (0.95 %) and ascorbic acid (283.20 mg100 g1) were recorded in CHESG-21 while the minimum acidity (0.49 %) and ascorbic acid (67.98 mg/100 g) were found in L-49 and CHESG-28 respectively


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How to Cite

Evaluation of guava (Psidium guajava L.) germplasm under semi-arid environment of central Gujarat . (2019). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 1(1), 53-55. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijah/article/view/14226