Genetic diversity in phalsa (Grewia subinaequalis D.C.) under semi- arid ecosystem of western India


  • Sanjay Singh Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Vejalpur (ICAR-CIAH), Godhra, Panchmahals, Gujarat- 389340 Author
  • A K Singh Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Vejalpur (ICAR-CIAH), Godhra, Panchmahals, Gujarat- 389340 Author
  • D S Mishra Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Vejalpur (ICAR-CIAH), Godhra, Panchmahals, Gujarat- Author
  • V V Appa Rao Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Vejalpur (ICAR-CIAH), Godhra, Panchmahals, Gujarat- 389340 Author


Acidity, divergence, fruit set, genetic


An investigation was undertaken to evaluate the performance of 10 genotypes of phalsa at experimental farm of Central Horticultural Experiment Station (ICAR-CIAH), Vejalpur, Panchmahal (Godhra), Gujarat under rainfed hot semi-arid ecosystem of western India during 2015 and 2016. These genotypes were studied to observe the variability in respect to flowering, fruiting and fruit quality attributes under hot semi-arid conditions. The period of full bloom was recorded in February and March in all the genotypes. Fruit set percent was noted highest (58.53) in CHESP-9, whereas fruit ripening started from 1" week of April and continued up to 1" week of May in different genotypes. Flower length, flower breadth, calyx tube length, calyx tube breadth, petal length, petal breadth, stamen length, ovary length and ovary breadth ranged between 25.30-30.20mm, 60.15-69.18mm, 3.64- 4.18mm, 4.63-5.22 mm, 7.89-8.25mm, 4.95-5.21mm, 8.84-9.94 mm, 3.94-4.16 mm, 7.00-7.15mm respectively. The maximum fruit yield (3.28 kg/ plant), TSS (20.12o Brix), total sugar (12.42% was recorded in CHESJ-9. Based on the various desired horticultural traits, the genotypes, CHESP-9 and CHESP-7 were found to be promising


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How to Cite

Genetic diversity in phalsa (Grewia subinaequalis D.C.) under semi- arid ecosystem of western India . (2019). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 1(1), 56-59.