Studies on stooling in bael (Aegle marmelos Correa) under semi-arid conditions


  • A K Singh Central Horticultural Experiment Station (ICAR-CIAH), Vejalpur- 389340, (Godhra), Gujarat Author
  • Sanjay Singh entral Horticultural Experiment Station (ICAR-CIAH), Vejalpur- 389340, (Godhra), Gujarat Author
  • P L Saroj Central Horticultural Experiment Station (ICAR-CIAH), Vejalpur- 389340, (Godhra), Gujarat Author
  • R S Singh Central Horticultural Experiment Station (ICAR-CIAH), Vejalpur- 389340, (Godhra), Gujarat Author
  • V V Appa Rao Central Horticultural Experiment Station (ICAR-CIAH), Vejalpur- 389340, (Godhra), Gujarat Author


Bael, primary root, root biomass, stooling


The study on stooling on bael was conducted to find out the the efficacy of 1000-7000ppm concentration of IBA on rooting behavior in stool layers at CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Vejalpur, Panchmahals (Godhra), Gujarat during the 2015-16.Among the different concentration tried, the highest number of primary root (15.34), secondary roots (69.80), root biomass (6.05g), survival per cent in nursery (24.24) and field condition (19.72) was recorded in the stool layers treated with IBA 5000 ppm, whereas the maximum length of primary roots (34.75cm), diameter of primary (1.50mm) and secondary roots (0.73 mm) was observed in the shoots (stool layers) treated with IBA 7000 ppm. However survival per cent in nursery and field condition ranged between 10.25-24.24 and 5.17-19.72 per cent, respectively. Stool layers which were not treated with IBA could not survive in nursery as well as under field condition. Different concentration of IBA significantly influenced the rooting in stool layers over control under rainfed semi-arid conditions


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Fig. 6. Views of rooting behavior in different concentration of IBA in bael stool layers

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How to Cite

Studies on stooling in bael (Aegle marmelos Correa) under semi-arid conditions . (2019). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 1(1), 60-62.