Influence of weather parameter on the seasonal incidence of major sucking insect pests of okra during Kharif season


  • Dandu Adarsh Department of Entomology SKN Agriculture University, Jobner-303329 (Rajasthan) India Author
  • D K Bairwa Department of Entomology SKN Agriculture University, Jobner-303329 (Rajasthan) India Author


Abelmoschus esculentus, finger, calcium


Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] commonly known as Bhendi or lady's finger, belongs to family Malvaceae is an important vegetable crop grown in India. Besides India, it is grown in many tropical and subtropical parts of the world. Tender fruits of okra are used as vegetables or in culinary preparations as sliced and dried pieces. It is also used for thickening gravies and soups, because of its high mucilage content. The roots and stems of okra are used for cleaning cane juice (Chauhan, 1972). It is the best source of iodine and calcium and also good source of proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, iron, potassium and acids viz., rhamnose (22%), galacturonic acid (27%) and amino acid (11%). In India, the crop occupies an area of 511 thousand hectares with annual production of 6219 thousand metric tonnes. In Rajasthan, it is grown in 3.40 thousand hectares with an annual production 10.50 thousand metric tonnes and productivity of 3090 kg ha1 (Anonymous, 2018)


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How to Cite

Influence of weather parameter on the seasonal incidence of major sucking insect pests of okra during Kharif season . (2019). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 1(1), 73-75.