Comparative performance of rainy and winter season guava cultivars under arid irrigated conditions of Punjab


  • Nirmaljit Kaur Department of Botany, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Author
  • Anil Kumar Punjab Agricultural University, Regional Research Station, Abohar Author
  • P K Arora Punjab Agricultural University, Regional Research Station, Abohar Author
  • Anju Bala Punjab Agricultural University, Regional Research Station, Abohar Author


Guava cultivars, fruit yield, Vitamin C, rainy season, winter season


Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is one of the most important tropical and subtropical fruits as it has a high  nutritive value and can be grown under different soil and climatic conditions. It bears twice in a year but the best  quality fruit is obtained in winter. Astudy was conducted to evaluate the performance of seven guava cultivars viz.  Allahabad safeda, Apple colour, Behat coconut, Lalit, Lucknow 49, Pear shaped and Red fleshed at Regional  Research Station, Abohar during the years 2010- 2012. Ripened fruits of all the varieties were collected from the  orchard during winter as well as rainy season and analyzed for fruit weight, fruit yield, total soluble solids (TSS),  acidity, Vitamin C and total sugars. The highest fruit yield was recorded in Lucknow -49 during rainy season (85  Kg/tree) followed by Lalit (79.0 kg) as well as during winter season (52.7 Kg/tree). The maximum content of  Vitamin C (283.3 mg/100g pulp) was also recorded in Lucknow -49 during winter season harvest.  


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How to Cite

Comparative performance of rainy and winter season guava cultivars under arid irrigated conditions of Punjab. (2015). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 9(1&2), 11-14.