Changes in chemical parameters of bael [Aegle marmelos( L.) Correa] fruits of different cultivars during growth and development


  • Sanjay Kumar Department of Horticulture N.D. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad-224229 Author
  • Bhagwan Deen Department of Horticulture N.D. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad-224229 Author


Thailand, organic, Refractometer


Bael fruit [Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa] is described by Ranganna (2010). Total carotenoids  known in India from pre-historic time, Hiuen Tsiang, content was determined by method as suggested by  the Chinese Buddhist pilgrim who came to India in Sagar and Samuel (2008). The total phenols was  1629 A.D. noted the presence of this tree along with estimated by the method described by Singhleton and  other trees in this region (Sambamurthy and Rossi, 1965 and Singhleton et al., 1999.  


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How to Cite

Changes in chemical parameters of bael [Aegle marmelos( L.) Correa] fruits of different cultivars during growth and development . (2015). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 9(1&2), 96-99.