Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and bio-fertilizers on quality of Indian Bean (Lablab purpureus L. var. typicus)


  • P Ujjainiya Department of Horticulture, S.K.N. Agriculture University, Jobner 303329, Rajasthan Author
  • M R Choudhary Department of Horticulture, S.K.N. Agriculture University, Jobner 303329, Rajasthan Author
  • A K Mahawar Department of Horticulture, S.K.N. Agriculture University, Jobner 303329, Rajasthan Author
  • T V Yadav Department of Horticulture, S.K.N. Agriculture University, Jobner 303329, Rajasthan Author


Annapurna, legumes, phosphorus


Indian bean or Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L. var. typicus) belongs to the family  Fabaceae (2n = 22). The crop is grown for its green pods  which consumed as vegetable when pods are immature,  tender and green. Its dry seeds are also used in various  vegetable food preparations. The nutritional composition of edible green pods contain 86%  moisture, 2.0% fibre, 4.0% protein, 1.0% fat, 7.10%  carbohydrate, 48 Kcal energy, 210mg calcium, 68mg  phosphorus, 1.0mg iron, 668IU vitamin A, 0.08mg  thiamine, 0.11mg riboflavin, 0.75mg niacin and 9.3mg  vitamin C (Gopalan et al., 2004). 


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How to Cite

Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and bio-fertilizers on quality of Indian Bean (Lablab purpureus L. var. typicus) . (2015). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 9(1&2), 117-119. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijah/article/view/18265