Climatic influence on initiation and opening of spathe in date palm  (Phoenix dactylifera L.) under arid conditions of North Western India


  • Julius Uchoi ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi Author
  • Soyimchiten ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi, Author
  • P K Singh ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi, Author
  • Abhishek Kumar ICAR-RCER, Patna Author
  • G D Harish ICAR-NBPGR Regional Station, Umiam Author
  • Subarna Hajong ICAR-NBPGR Regional Station, Umiam Author
  • P H Nikhumbhe ICAR-NRC for Grapes, Pune Author
  • Anil Patidar ICAR-CAZRI, RRS, Jaisalmer Author
  • S C Meena ICAR-CAZRI, RRS, Jaisalmer Author
  • Dileep Kumar ICAR-CAZRI, RRS, Jaisalmer Author
  • K Shiran ICAR-CAZRI, RRS, Jaisalmer Author
  • Ezekiel Reang College of Agriculture (Tripura University), Lembucherra, Agartala Author
  • Abhishek Kumar KVK, Salema, Dhalai, Tripura Author
  • A Debnath KVK, Salema, Dhalai, Tripura Author



Khadrawy, Saidy, Sham ran, Date palm



Khadrawy, Saidy and Shamran are three significant date palm cultivars  grown in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, located in the North Western part of India.  These cultivars are primarily consumed in their dried form, known as  Chhuhara, during the Doka stage of fruit maturity. Climatic factors, including  temperature, relative humidity, and sunshine hours, play a critical role in  spathe initiation and opening in both male and female palms. The data on date  to first spathe and its opening in the palm was recorded in the three cultivars  consecutively for 6 years from 2008-2013 from 25 Years old plantation located  at Chandan Experimental farm of ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Zone,  Regional Research Station, Jaisalmer and correlation was studied with three  climatic parameter i.e. temperature, relative humidity and sunshine hours. The  investigation revealed that significant effect of temperature (male-3.99e-07**,  female-2.05e-08***), relative humidity (male-0.000236***, female-0.00237**)  and sunshine hours (male-0.015550*, female-0.01649*) on days taken  to first opening of spathe in both the sexes of the palm. Higher relative  humidity extends the time required for male spathes to open, while lower  humidity levels accelerate the process. This observation highlights the need  to investigate the underlying mechanisms and potential interactions between  these environmental factors to better understand their influence on spathe  development. 


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How to Cite

Climatic influence on initiation and opening of spathe in date palm  (Phoenix dactylifera L.) under arid conditions of North Western India. (2025). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 5(1&2), 15-20.