Influence of organic amendments on growth and yield attributes in poly house grown tomato


  • Pradeep Kumar Meena Deptt. of Hort.,Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan Author
  • B G Chhipa Deptt. of Soil Science ,Rajasthan College of Agriculture,MPUAT,Udaipur,Rajasthan Author
  • K D Ameta Deptt. of Hort.Rajasthan College of Agriculture,MPUAT,Udaipur,Rajasthan Author
  • H L Bairwa Deptt. of Hort , Rajasthan College of Agriculture,MPUAT,Udaipur,Rajasthan Author
  • D P Singh Deptt. of Soil Science,Rajasthan College of Agriculture,MPUAT,Udaipur,Rajasthan Author
  • P B Singh Deptt. of GPB, Rajasthan College of Agriculture,MPUAT,Udaipur,Rajasthan Author
  • K K Sharma Deptt. of Hort,Rajasthan College of Agriculture,MPUAT,Udaipur,Rajasthan Author
  • Shubham Jeengar Deptt. of Hort,Rajasthan College of Agriculture,MPUAT,Udaipur,Rajasthan Author



Tomato, BD 500, BD 501, Dashparni, Silica, Biodynamic



The research findings indicated that diverse combinations of biodynamic, silica  and Dashparni have remarkable influence on the growth and yield characteristics  of the tomato Ajeet variety cultivated under protected conditions. From a range of  treatments and combinations of treatments, treatment T10 (BD 500 @7 5g/ha + BD  501 @ 2.5g/ha + Silica @ 1% + Dashparni @10%) produced the highest plant height  at 30 DAT, 60 DAT and at final harvest (44.23, 88.56 and 244.90 cm, respectively),  leaf area (254.8 cm2), minimum day to flowering (42.66) and least day to harvest  (89.00%), maximum number of branches (25). The maximum fruit length of 6.66 cm,  maximum fruit diameter of 5.20 cm, maximum fruit volume of 115.33 cc, maximum  fruit weight of 109.26 g, number of fruits per plant (46.46), yield per plant of 5.05 kg,  yield per square metre of 11.23 kg and yield per acre of 44.94 t were attained in T10 (BD 500 @ 75 g/ha + BD 501 @ 2.5 g/ha + Silica @ 1% + Dashparni @ 10%) compared  to the control.  Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is the most commonly  and widely grown in the world, next to potato (Bertin and  Genard, 2018). It has the chromosomal number 2n=24 and  belongs to the family Solanaceae, which embraces more than  3000 species, including significant food, spice and drug plants.  It was domesticated from a wild ancestor of Lycopersion  esculentum sub. species cerasifoeme in the Andean area of  South America and in Mexico (Bai and Lindhout, 2007)  and the tomato originated in Peru in South America while  the name of the crop came from the Aztec word “tomato.” It  contains a significant amount of lycopene, minerals, essential  amino acids, sugars, dietary fibres, vitamin B and C, iron  and phosphorus (Agarwal and Rao, 2000); hence, due to  


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How to Cite

Influence of organic amendments on growth and yield attributes in poly house grown tomato. (2025). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 5(1&2), 21-25.