Opinion towards Applications of ICT and Problems Faced by KVK Extension Personnel


  • Arjun Sulibhavimath MSc Student and Assistant Professor, Punjab agricultural university Ludhiana pubjab
  • Preeti Sharma MSc Student and Assistant Professor, Punjab agricultural university Ludhiana pubjab


Information communication technology, krishi vigyan kendras, opinion, problems, suggestions


The present study entitled “Opinion towards applications of ICT and problems faced by KVK extension personnel” was  conducted in Punjab and Karnataka states. The objective of the study was to explore the opinion and problems faced by the  KVK extension personnel in using ICT for acquiring and disseminating the knowledge. Fifty per cent of KVKs were  randomly selected from both the states. From Punjab, out of 17 KVKs nine were selected and from Karnataka, out of 30  KVKs fifteen KVKs were selected. All the extension personnel in position at the time of investigation were taken from the  selected KVKs. Thus 51 respondents from Punjab and 73 respondents from Karnataka, total of 124 respondents were  selected for the study. The structured interview schedule was used to collect the data. Most of the respondents had positive  opinion towards the use of ICTs for acquiring and disseminating knowledge to farmers. All the respondents were agreed  upon various benefits of ICTs. Inadequate training on ICT tools, lack of communication infrastructure and lack of  sufficient number of computers were considered as major problems by majority of the respondents. It is suggested to  provide more trainings on ICT and sufficient budget to improve ICT infrastructure. Use of advanced ICT should be  promoted. 


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How to Cite

Opinion towards Applications of ICT and Problems Faced by KVK Extension Personnel (A. Sulibhavimath & P. Sharma , Trans.). (2018). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 54(3), 14-18. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijee/article/view/4708