Prevalence of Malnutrition in Bhal Region of Gujarat State


  • Gayatree Jadeja SMS Home Science Krishi Vigyan Kendra, AAU, Arnej-382230 (Gujarat)
  • M. S. Jakasaniya Incharge Programme Coordinator, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, AAU, Arnej-382230 (Gujarat)


Malnutrition, body Mass Index


There has been increasing evidence that development of underweight and obesity has deleterious social and health  consequences. The study was conducted to determine the prevalence of underweight and obesity in rural areas of Bhal  region of Gujarat state. Total of 1213 subjects of four different age groups were selected from different 80 villages of rural  area. The height, weight were measured for all age groups. Mid upper arm circumference, hair colour and skin texture  were observed for preschool children as well as the blood pressure was measured for adults above 40 years. All parameters  were correlated with the body mass index. The results found were alarming. Majority of girls had malnourishment  symptoms compared to boys. More of tobacco addiction was found in adult male and 40 to 49 years adults were suffering  from high blood pressure problem. Illiteracy was higher in female which is indirectly responsible for the health of the  community. 


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How to Cite

Prevalence of Malnutrition in Bhal Region of Gujarat State (G. Jadeja & M. S. Jakasaniya , Trans.). (2017). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 53(3), 120-124.