Diffusion and Adoption of Livestock Deworming Technology in Different Agro-climatic Regions of India


  • Mahesh Chander Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Extension Education,
  • H R Meena Senior Scientist,Division of Dairy Extension Education, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, India
  • Hema Tripathi Principal Scientist, Division of Extension Education,
  • Sanjay Kumar Principal Scientist, Division of Livestock Economics and Statistics
  • R S Rathore Senior Scientist, Division of Veterinary Public Health
  • P S Banerji Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Veterinary Parasitology,
  • K. Pachaiyappan Scientist, Division of Extension Education, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, India,
  • Prakashkumar Rathod Ph. D Scholar, Division of Extension Education,


Livestock technologies, diffusion, deworming, agro-climatic zones


Livestock technologies are generated in various research institutions with the notion to explore the possibilities of  uplifting the livelihoods of farming communities. It is generally perceived that the extent of absorption of these  technologies in field conditions has always been a researchable issue in India. In this situation, an effort was made to study  the diffusion and adoption status of deworming technology in different agro-climatic zones of India using primary and  secondary data collected from various accessible resources. Group discussion and personal communication with  veterinary officers and other experts was also conducted to gain insight and evolve action plans for effective adoption and  diffusion of deworming. The study concluded that there was lack of awareness and poor adoption of deworming due to  various constraints faced by farmers in deworming. The study suggests that there is a better scope for improving the  diffusion and adoption of livestock deworming by means of addressing these constraints and creating favourability of  livestock farmers towards livestock deworming technology. 


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How to Cite

Diffusion and Adoption of Livestock Deworming Technology in Different Agro-climatic Regions of India (M. Chander, H. R. Meena, H. Tripathi, S. Kumar, R. S. Rathore, P. S. Banerji, K. Pachaiyappan, & P. Rathod , Trans.). (2015). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 51(3&4), 101-103. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijee/article/view/5321