Adoption of Sprinkler Irrigation System by the Farmers in Gujarat


  • Akshaya Ghintala Ex. M.Sc. (Agri.) Student, Deptt. of Ext. Edu., CPCA, SDAU, Sk. Nagar.
  • G. J. Patel Programme Coordinator, KVK, SDAU, Khedbrahma.
  • Bansi Lal KVK, SDAU, Khedbrahma.
  • Vijay Kumar KVK, SDAU, Khedbrahma.


Adoption, sprinkler irrigation system


The study was conducted in Dantiwada and Deesa talukas of Banaskantha district of north Gujarat to assess the extent of  adoption of sprinkler irrigation system. From each taluka six villages selected purposively and from each village 10  farmers were selected by using random sampling technique, there by constituting a total sample size of 120 respondents.  Data were collected by using personal interview method. However, majority of farmers were found having medium level  of adoption in sprinkler irrigation system. Education, land holding, social participation, annual income, source of  information, knowledge level, economic motivation, source of irrigation, cropping pattern and cropping intensity had  significantly associated with their extent of adoption of sprinkler irrigation system. 


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How to Cite

Adoption of Sprinkler Irrigation System by the Farmers in Gujarat (A. Ghintala, G. J. Patel, B. Lal, & V. Kumar , Trans.). (2014). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 50(1&2), 106-108.