Barriers to the Rural Women Empowerment


  • Arun Kumar Research Scholar, Department of Extension Education, Instt. of Agril. Sciences, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi -221 005.
  • Prakash Singh Professor Department of Agriculture Extension, NDUA&T Kumarganj, Faizabad 224 229
  • R. P. Sahu M.Sc. Student, Department of Agriculture Extension, NDUA&T Kumarganj, Faizabad 224 229.
  • Khushbu Singh SMS, VPKAS, Almora- 263628, (Uttarakhand).
  • Ram Jiyawan Sinior Agril. Marketing Inspector, Lakhimpur kheeri, U.P.
  • Pawan kumar Research Scholar, SVBPUAT, Modipuram Meerut., 250110


Barriers, SHG, rural women and women empowerment


The study was conducted in 2011 among SHGs in Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh. A total of 120 respondents (60  members from SHG and 60 members from no- SHG of dairy enterprise were selected purposively for the study . The study  aimed at analyzing the on barriers of rural women empowerment. Majority of the SHG and non-SHG members faced the barriers as lack of education, negative social attitude about women's role outside the home, illiteracy among women, lack  of cooperation, lack of leadership and lack of information about banking procedures etc. There were some suggestions  perceived by the majority of SHG and non SHG members of dairy enterprise such as education to the women should be  provided free of cost, extension personnel should create an interest in forming of SHG among rural members for their  active participation, skill oriented training programme for SHG members should be initiated by the government, financial  support should be strong for SHG members and women can be protected outside home by establishing the strong  punishment/ rules. 


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How to Cite

Barriers to the Rural Women Empowerment (A. Kumar, P. Singh, R. P. Sahu, K. Singh, R. Jiyawan, & P. kumar , Trans.). (2014). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 50(1&2), 109-112.