On-Farm Evaluation of Front Line Demonstrations on Mustard in Eastern Plain Zone of Uttar Pradesh


  • Rajesh Kumar Singh Assistant professor (Agronomy),Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.)-221 005
  • H. Kumar Professor (Genetics & Plant Breeding), Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.)-221 005


Frontline demonstration, technology gap, extension gap, technology index, mustard


Rapeseed-Mustard is an important oilseed crops and contributes around 23.2 per cent of total oilseed production in India.  It is pivotal in supplementing the income of small and marginal farmers of adjoining district of Varanasi i.e. Eastern Plain  Zone of Uttar Pradesh. One of the major constraints of traditional mustard farming is low productivity due to non adoption of improved high yielding varieties and recommended package of practices, Front-line demonstrations in  farmers fields were conducted which comprised of cultivation practices such as use of improved high yielding varieties,  line sowing, balanced application of fertilizers specially inclusion of sulphur and control of mustard aphid through  insecticide at economic threshold level. The study revealed that the yield of mustard ranged from 8.0 per cent to 22.15 per  cent over local check (Varuna) during the course of study during 2006-07 to 2008-09 (3 years). However, the technology  gap of 8.21 q/ha as minimum during 2006-07 to maximum of 10.14 q/ha (2008-09) shows the gap in demonstration yield  over potential yield. Hence increase in yield over farmers yield was evident which indicated the need of educating farmers  through frontline demonstration.


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How to Cite

On-Farm Evaluation of Front Line Demonstrations on Mustard in Eastern Plain Zone of Uttar Pradesh (R. K. Singh & H. Kumar , Trans.). (2012). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 48(3&4), 115-117. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijee/article/view/5701