Impact of Improved Technology on Soyabean Productivity in Frontline Demonstration


  • Swapnil Dubey Subject Matter Specialist (Agronony)
  • Sarvesh Tripathy Subject Matter Specialist (Extension)
  • Pradyumn Singh Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection), RVSKVV, Gwalior (M.P.)
  • R.K. Sharma Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Raisen (M.P.)


Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Raisen (M.P.) during the period from 2004-05 to 2008-09 conducted a total 73 frontline demonstration of soybean crop. Cultivation practices comprised under FLD viz. use of improve variety (JS-93-05), seed treatment, seed inoculation, spacing 30cm, balance application of fertilizers (20:60:20kg N:P:K per ha), weed control and plant protection measures show that percentage increase in the yield of soybean ranged from 55.26% to 80.00% over farmer’s practice. The highest seed yield 17.48 q ha-1 was recorded in the year 2008-09 in FLD, which was 80.50% more over the farmer’s practice (9.66 q ha-1). The highest extension gap which ranged from 5.25 q ha-1 to 7.82 q ha-1 during the period. The additional cost Rs. 2148 to Rs. 2348 gave additional net return, it was ranged from Rs. 4283 to Rs. 7470 per hectare with 1:1.87 to 1:3.24 incremental benefit : cost ratio.


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How to Cite

Impact of Improved Technology on Soyabean Productivity in Frontline Demonstration (S. Dubey, S. Tripathy, P. Singh, & R. Sharma , Trans.). (2011). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 47(3&4), 100-103.