A Comparative Study of Chitrakadi Churna and Marichyadi Churna in the Management of Kaphaj Kasa W.S.R. to Productive Cough in L.R.T.I.


  • Ranjit R Patil PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, SSRAMC, Inchal, Karnataka, India. Author
  • G Vinay Mohan Principal and HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa, SSRAMC, Inchal, Karnataka, India. Author
  • Girish Dharmannavar Assistant Profesor, Department of Kayachikitsa, SSRAMC, Inchal, Karnataka, India. Author


Chitrakadi Churna, Kaphaj Kasa, Marichyadi Churna, Productive Cough in LRTI


Background: Kaphaj Kasa is the most common disease which affects all age groups. It is very commonly present in
economically poor people because of deficient quality diet. This disease exhibits itself through the features such as
Sthivan, Utkelsha, Swas Kashtata, and Chardi in modern science it may be correlated with productive cough in LRTI.
Objectives: This was a Clinical comparative study of Marichyadi Churna and Chitrakadi Churna in the management
of Kaphaj Kasa.Methods: A total of 40 sample sizes of clinically diagnosed Kaphaj Kasa patients were selected randomly and
allocated into two groups (Group A and Group B), each consists of 20 patients. Gradation was adopted to indicate
the signs and symptoms before, during, and after the treatment. Subjects were managed with Marichyadi Churna in
Group A and Chitrakadi Churna in Group B with Madhu as Anupana for 21 days. Follow-up was done. The variation
in observed data recorded before, during, and after the treatment, that is, BT, AT 15th, AT 21th. The obtained result data
were subjected to paired t-test and unpaired t-test.Results: Both the treatment therapies were found to be very effective in the management of Kaphaj Kasa w.s.r.to productive cough in LRTI. However, Marichyadi Churna was found more effective than Chitrakadi Churna incomparison between the duo.


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How to Cite

Patil, R. R., Mohan, G. V., & Dharmannavar, G. (2023). A Comparative Study of Chitrakadi Churna and Marichyadi Churna in the Management of Kaphaj Kasa W.S.R. to Productive Cough in L.R.T.I. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(12), 21-28. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/12749