A Critical Review on Manjisthadi Taila Varti.


  • Rahul Saini PG Department of Shalya Tantra Post Graduation Institute of Ayurveda Jodhpur, Raj., India. Author
  • Rajesh Gupta Professor And HOD, PG Department of Shalya Tantra Post Graduation Institute of Ayurveda Jodhpur, Raj., India. Author


Manjishthadi Taila Varti, Manjishtha, Murawa


Manjishthadi Taila Varti is an Ayurvedic drug mentioned in  Bhesajayaratnavali. The main Content Manjishthadi Taila Varti of is  the Manjista along with murva and chandana and tila taila indicated in  Varna shodhana. The main contents of Manjishthadi Taila Varti is purified Manjista having as varnya (beneficial for complexion), swarya (improves voice), jvarahara (reduces fever), vishaghna (detoxifies),  kushthaghna (useful in skin disorders), raktavikarhar (beneficial in  blood disorders), vranahar (wound healing), pramehaghna (useful in  diabetes), shothahar (anti-inflammatory), yoni-netra and karnavikarhar (useful in uterine -eye and ear disorders), Arshoghna (cures piles) etc.  are well described. Therefore from above descriptions it is clear that it  possesses Tikta rasa and is used in pittaja Roga. Descriptions in classics  explain about rasa and treatment modalities. It is said that Valkasutra (fibre from bark) of Murva is strong and it is used in Vranaseevana.  Descriptions in classics explain about rasa and treatment modalities. It  is said that Valkasutra (fibre from bark) of Murva is strong and it is used  in Vranaseevana. It possesses Tikta Ras, used in Pittaja Roga. Based on  descriptions of Nighantu it is a Latha Roopa Vanaspathi (climber) which  possess Tikta rasa based on synonym like Tiktavalli. Also other  synonyms like Triparni, Peeluparni mentioned led to controversy. Few  Nighantu gave synonym like Madhurarasa which gives a hint of  Madhura Rasa. Therefore from descriptions it can be concluded the drug  possess Tikta, Madhura Rasa and Madhura Vipaka


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How to Cite

Saini, R. ., & Gupta, R. . (2023). A Critical Review on Manjisthadi Taila Varti. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(7), `72-77. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/12838