Contemporary and Ayurveda Perspective of Asrigdara WSR to Dysfuctional Uterine Bleeding – A Review


  • Megha Mittal Associate Professor, Department of Prasuti tantra Stri roga, Government Ayurvedic, Yog and Naturopathy College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Author


Asrigdara, Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, Menstrual cycle Atishoka


The interaction of endometrial elements causes regular cyclic menstruation. A change in one of these causes  abnormal bleeding, which affects a woman’s quality of life physically, socially, and emotionally. Excessive,  protracted menstrual, or intermenstrual bleeding is a hallmark of Asrigdara. In modern medicine, abnormal uterine  bleeding or dysfunctional uterine bleeding is referred to as anomalies in the menstrual cycle concerning frequency,  regularity, duration, and volume of flow outside of pregnancy. This condition is similar to Asrigdara. It significantly  lowers the quality of life for women by having an impact on their personal, social, familial, and work lives. The  psychological well-being of fertile women is impacted by allopathic treatment modalities such as hormone therapy,  prostaglandin inhibitors, and anti-fibrinolytic drugs, which are known to have a variety of negative effects. In light  of the foregoing information, this article aims to examine various research to provide straightforward, safe, and non hormonal medications for Asrigdara patients as well as to examine the literature on Asrigdara that is available in  classical texts and abnormal uterine bleeding that is available in contemporary texts. 


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How to Cite

Mittal, M. (2023). Contemporary and Ayurveda Perspective of Asrigdara WSR to Dysfuctional Uterine Bleeding – A Review. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(8), 78-80.