Ayurvedic Management of Shushkakshipaka w. s. r. to Dry Eye Syndrome A Review.


  • Mahipal Singh Shekhawat Department of Shalakya Tantra National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur Author
  • Aparna Sharma Associate professor, Department of Shalakya, Tantra National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur. Author


Shushkakshipaka, Sarvakshi Roga, Krichronmeela, vartma roga, dry eye


The windows to the soul are the eyes. Since the Vedic and Samhita  times, Ayurvedic ancient writings have discussed the eye and its  disorders, demonstrating the significance of the eye and ways to protect  it. Because of this, eye care has always been a top priority. Clinical  characteristics of Dry eye are frequently observed in Suskaksipaka in  Ayurveda. It's common to equate dry eyes to shushkakshipaka. However, a closer examination of the dry eye symptoms reveals two  Ayurvedic terms that are closely related to the illness. The first stage of  vartma roga (disease of the lid), which is defined as vata prakopa over  the surface structures of the eye due to a lack of snigdha bhava, either in  the form of abnormal aqueous or lipid component of tear film, which in  turn creates difficulty in opening the lids, pricking pain, and a gritty  feeling, is known as Krichronmeela. Shushkakshipaka, a sarvakshi disease, appears when pita becomes engaged in the pathophysiology and  samprapti deepens into the dhatus over the surface structures of the eye,  such as the conjunctiva and cornea. 


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How to Cite

Shekhawat, M. S., & Sharma, A. (2023). Ayurvedic Management of Shushkakshipaka w. s. r. to Dry Eye Syndrome A Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(7), 144-148. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/12885