Leech Farming: An Overview Over Leech Breeding and Multiplication.


  • C R Swathy House surgeon, Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Ollur, Thrissur. Author
  • P K V Anand HOD & Professor, Department of Panchakarma, Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Ollur, Thrissur. Author
  • H Rahul Assistant Professor, Department of Panchakarma, Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Ollur, Thrissur. Author


Hirudi culture, Leech, Jalouka, Hirudotherapy


Introduction: There are various descriptions regarding blood letting or  Raktamoksha using leeches (Jaloukavacharana) in ayurvedic classics. Acharya Susruta considers Rakta as the fourth Dosha and mentions  Raktamoksha as a Shodhana karma (purificatory therapy) and is  indicated in many diseases with vitiation of Raktha. As a matter of time,  leech therapy is becoming more popular due to its benefits but there is  no known established reliable suppliers of leeches for medical needs  especially for medal purpose, maintenance of leeches in adequate  environment, reproduction of leeches and storage of leeches on a large  scale.  Materials and Methods: This study is based on analysis of classical  ayurvedic texts, modern books and internet sources. Some help was also  been taken from previous articles published on the same topic. All the  relevant information are compiled here.  Result :Parameters for successful leech farming are studied and  application of these facts can improve leech farming and thus ensure  increased availability of leeches for medical needs. Discussion: The increased demand of leeches and its lesser availability  forms a challenge especially in extreme weather. Basically, leech  farming is a research topic and also an innovative idea for ayurvedic  scholars. Leech farming provides special knowledge regarding selection  and breeding of leeches


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Kumar, M. Manju, R. (2020). Leech farming in natural habitat: An observational report, 7, 15-19.

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How to Cite

Swathy , C. R., Anand, P. K. V., & Rahul , H. (2023). Leech Farming: An Overview Over Leech Breeding and Multiplication . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(7), 63-66. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/12897