An Ayurvedic approach on Pādadāri (Cracked foot).


  • C E Rinimol PG Scholar, Dept of Dravyaguna Vijnāna, VPSV, AVC, Kottakkal, Kerala, India. Author
  • P Vivek Associate Professor, Dept of Dravyaguna Vijnāna, VPSV, AVC, Kottakkal, Kerala, India. Author
  • N Manoj Kumar Professor and Head of Department, Dept of Dravyaguna Vijnāna, VPSV, AVC, Kottakkal, Kerala, India. Author


Pādadāri, Cracked Foot, Heel fissures, Pādābhyaṅga


Cracked Foot referred to as Pādadāri (Cracked foot) in Ayurveda is a  common cosmetic foot problem for both men and women. It is reported to  be found more in females than in males. The Ayurvedic literature shows  that the occurrence of Pādadāri (Cracked foot) can be traced back to ancient  times. It is a Vāta (vatha dosha) predominant condition characterized by dry  skin, roughness, hardness around the rim of the heel and cracks or fissures  on the outer edge of the heel. In persons who are in the habit of too much  walking on rough ground without footwear Vāta (vatha dosha) gets increased producing fissures in the sole of feet, this is called Pādadāri  (Cracked foot). Cold climate leads to aggravation of Vāta (vatha dosha). This article highlights the importance of Pādābhyaṅga (foot massage with  oil) as Dinacarya (daily regimen) aspect by collecting information  regarding Pādadāri (Cracked foot) from various classics. In Ayurveda, it is  clearly mentioned that Abhyanga (oil massage) controls Vāta dosa(vatha  dosha) and the person develops both physical and mental strength.


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How to Cite

Rinimol, C. E., Vivek, P., & Kumar, N. M. (2023). An Ayurvedic approach on Pādadāri (Cracked foot). International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(6), 122-125.