Pharmaceutical Study of Amavatari Rasa and Rasnadi Guggulu Ayurvedic Formulations.


  • DK Sharma PG Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Medical Officer Ayush, J&K Govt. Author
  • Sandeep Charak PG Agadtantra, Medical Officer Ayush, J&K Govt. Author
  • Karunanidhi Sharma Ph.D.Scholar RSBK NIA Jaipur Author
  • Parimi Suresh Professor P.G Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, NIA Jaipur. Author



Amavatari Rasa, Rasnadi Gugglu, Iatrochemistry, Alchemy, Pharmaceutical procedures


It is a system  where principles of living and treatment are described in codified form.  Rasashastra and Bhaishajya kalpana is a branch of Indian Alchemy and  Iatrochemistry. In this branch number of herbo-mineral and purely herbal  formulations are mentioned with wide range of dosage forms. It is not only a  science of drug manufacturing but also the science of selection, identification,  prevention and standardization. A good quality of products assures the  anticipated results. The pharmaceutical preparations when prepared with proper  scientific approach it can prove to be a boon for patients. Amavatari rasa and  Rasnadi guggulu are amongst the important preparations, which have been  mentioned in well-known rasa text Brihat yog tarangini and Bhaishjya ratnavali.  Pharmaceutical study involves preparation of Amavatari Rasa and Rasnadi  Gugglu according to classical method. All the raw materials were procured from  the Pharmacy of N.I.A, Jaipur and Pharmaceutical procedures were carried out  in the department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, NIA Jaipur.  


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References urvedic_Pharmaceutics_and_Insights_on_Personalized_ Medicine, downloaded on 11/10/2017.

Acharya YT Agnivesha: Charaka samhita, revised by charaka and Dridhabal, with commentary of chakrapanidatta, , Viman Stahan. 7/4. chaukhambha Sanskrit sansthana,Varanasi, 5th Edi.2001 .

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How to Cite

Sharma, D., Charak, S., Sharma, K., & Suresh, P. (2022). Pharmaceutical Study of Amavatari Rasa and Rasnadi Guggulu Ayurvedic Formulations . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(1), 53-59.