Ayurvedic Management of Thalassemia Major (Beeja Dushtijanya Pandu) As An Adjuvant Therapy - A Case Study


  • Uganta Meena P.G. Scholar, Kaumarbhritya Department ITRA, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India Author
  • V K Kori Associate professor of Kaumarbhritya Department ITRA, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India Author




Beejadushtijanya Pandu, Thalassemia Major, Gandhakadi Yoga with Pippali


Introduction: Thalassemia is a gathering of acquired issues of hemoglobin combination that outcomes from  an adjustment in the pace of globin chain creation and unusual amalgamation of the globin chains of  hemoglobin. In Ayurveda, infection like Thalassemia isn't portrayed, however in light of applied Children  brought into the world with Thalassemia major typically creates serious weakness, insufficient erythropoiesis,  jaundice and haemosiderosis which brings about greenish earthy colored appearance. The cutting edge clinical  administration of Thalassemia is blood bonding (BT) treatment, the main treatment with haemosiderosis (iron  over-burden) as an inconvenience. Iron chelators utilized in current medication are exorbitant and related with  antagonistic medication responses. Understanding, it very well might be perceived as a Beejadoshajanya,  Adibala pravritta and Sahaja vyadhi and classification instituted as Beejadushtijanya Pandu. It tends to be  perceived that Pitta Pradhana Tridosha influences the elements of Raktavaha srotasa and eventually the  course of arrangement of Rakta Dhatu is influenced and brings about Raktavikriti.  Materials and methods: A Case study on 11-year-old male child who have been diagnosed Thalassemia  major. His complaint was severe anemia and he was on regular blood transfusion every 30 days, liver and  spleen enlarged, and the serum iron and serum ferritin values were above normal limits according to  investigation. Observation and Result: At the end of three months of therapy, his blood report and the symptoms of the  disease showed very promising results.  Conclusion: This case study revealed that Gandhakadi Yoga with Pippali is effective in Beejadoshajanya  Pandu (Thalassemia major). Marked improvement was found in subjective and observed parameters.  


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How to Cite

Meena, U., & Kori , V. K. (2021). Ayurvedic Management of Thalassemia Major (Beeja Dushtijanya Pandu) As An Adjuvant Therapy - A Case Study . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(9), 126-133. https://doi.org/10.48165/