A Survey Study To Assess The Status Of Bala And Morbidity Among The  Individuals Of Jaipur City In Yamadamstra Kala


  • Surender Pal M.D. Scholar P.G. Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, NIA Jaipur Author
  • Kamalesh Kumar Sharma Professor & H.O.D., PG Dept. of Swasthavritta and Yoga, NIA Jaipur Author
  • Sarvesh Kumar Agrawal Assistant Professor, PG Dept. of Swasthavritta and Yoga, NIA Jaipur. Author




Ritucharya, Lifestyle, Ritusandhi, Yamadamstra Kala, Seasonal Disease


Introduction: Various health care measures are mentioned in Ayurveda to maintain the health of the  healthy persons, like Dincharya, Ritucharya, Ahara-Vihara, Adharniya-Dharniya Vega, Achar  rasayan, Rasayana and Vajikarana. Ritucharya or seasonal regimen teaches us how to adapt various  seasons and seasonal changes in terms of small adjustments which we need to make during various  seasons with respect to diet, lifestyle and behaviour. Ritusandhi is the transition period between two  seasons. Therefore, the status of Bala (Sharira Bala, Satva and Agni) should be assessed. Method: In this study the assessment of Bala (Sharira Bala, Satva and Agni) and morbidity of people  during Yamadamstra Kala (6 to 21 November 2019) and one month before (5to 20 October 2019) has  been done with the help of survey and the hospital’s OPD data respectively. Result: Insignificant change has been found in Bala (Sharira Bala, Satva and Agni) of 300 healthy  individuals. Morbidity was increased in new OPD patients during Yamdanstra Kala.  Conclusions: There was no effect of Yamadamstra Kala on Bala (Sharira Bala, Satva and Agni)  according to survey of healthy volunteers but morbidity is increased during yamadamstra kala in comparison of one month before.


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How to Cite

Pal, . S. ., Sharma, K. K. ., & Agrawal, S. K. . (2021). A Survey Study To Assess The Status Of Bala And Morbidity Among The  Individuals Of Jaipur City In Yamadamstra Kala. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(7), 18-24. https://doi.org/10.48165/