Concept Of Visha Upadrava In Ayurveda: Perspective Framework


  • Preetam K Lamani Assistant Professor Department Of Agadatantra Evum Vidhivaidyaka Bvvs Ayurveda Medical College And Hospital Bagalkot. Author



Visha, Upadrava, Ayurveda, Vishatantra


Upadrava is the complication produced in a diseased condition. As a matter of fact, this complication  is also a disease with a separate entity. The only fact to be remembered is that the Upadrava develops  after the formation of the main disease. The etiology of doshas remaining the same for both. Upadrava is the disease produced after the formation of the main disease and is dependent on the main disease  whether the upadrava is mild or grave. Besides the above definition the following are also considered  as upadrava. It is a secondary disease or complication, produced by the same dosha as is responsible  for the main disease. When the main disease is produced and the doshas are further vitiated owing to  the abnormal diet, behavior etc. a second disease is super added and is called upadrava. Acharya  Vagbhata has stated in his classical book Ashtanga Sangraha a separate chapter about Visha  Upadravas. Sushruta has talked about Visha upadrava in the context of Dushi Visha and while  explaining the management of snake poisons.These Upadravas are the aggravation of symptoms as  quoted besides many others as stated by Vagbhata in a person afflicted by Dushi Visha (slow poison)  or Visha at a later stage which again means a form of Dushi Visha. Understanding these Upadravas in  the present clinical aspect is very much appreciated. Apart from venomous bites, as a possibility we  can also consider the prolonged use of contaminated substances in the form of food, air, water, land,  medication etc to be akin to Visha and their ill effects as the Upadrava. 


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How to Cite

Lamani, P. K. (2021). Concept Of Visha Upadrava In Ayurveda: Perspective Framework. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(7), 53-57.