Importance Of Vata Dosha And Its Aatma Roopas (Cardinal Symptoms) In Maintaining Health And Balance In Life


  • Shilpa Kachhawaha P.G. Scholar, P.G. Department of Kriya Sharir, DSRRAU, Jodhpur Author
  • Rajesh Kumar Sharma Professor & H.O.D., P.G. Department of Kriya Sharir, DSRRAU, Jodhpur Author
  • Dinesh Chandra Sharma Associate professor, P.G. Department of Kriya Sharir, DSRRAU, Jodhpur Author



Panchmahabhuta, Vata Dosha, Vata Gunas, Aatma roopas


Ayurveda, The Science of Life is often called as The Mother of All Healing. It emphasizes on  preventive techniques and encourages the maintenance of health through which sukha (happiness) can  be attained and dukha(miseries) can be abolished. According to Ayurveda everything which exist in  universe is made up of Panchmahabutas(the five elements) Aakash, Vayu, Tejas, Jala, Prithvi.  Therefore, every concept of Ayurveda is predicted and described on the basis of Panchmahabhutas.  The Tridoshas(vata, pitta, kapha), one of the basic pillars of Ayurveda represent the presence of  Panchmahabhuta in our body. These are the primary functional energies in our body that our aligned  with the elements of nature. Similarly, Doshas are the main essential contributory factors for the  causation of disease. No disease manifests without the participation of Doshas in the  samprapti(pathogenesis). Among the three basic humors, Vata plays an important role for establishing  equilibrium of health in our body. This is because no activity in our body occurs without involvement  and motivation of Vata Dosha. Thus, Vata is master of all the activities in human body. Hence in this  article an attempt has been made to understand the physiological properties(Gunas) and cardinal  symptoms(Aatma roopas) of Vata Dosha. 


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How to Cite

Kachhawaha, S., Sharma, R. K., & Sharma, D. C. (2021). Importance Of Vata Dosha And Its Aatma Roopas (Cardinal Symptoms) In Maintaining Health And Balance In Life. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(7), 75-80.