Review of Ayurvedic concept of PCOS


  • Suman Kumari Junior Resident Deptt. of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga Govt. Ayurvedic P.G. College and Hospital, Varanasi Author
  • Anjana Saxena Assistant Professor, (PhD) Deptt. of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga Govt. Ayurvedic P.G. College and Hospital, Varanasi Author



PCOS, Ayurveda, Doshas, Agnimandhya


Introduction PCOS is very common chronic anovulatory disorder with androgen excess in women of  reproductive age group. It is a multifactorial, multisystem disorder but obesity & insulin resistance are  often associated. Patient present with symptoms of menstrual irregularities (either amenorrhea or  oligomenorrhoea), androgen excess (hirsutism, acne alopecia) & USG evidences of >2-9 mm size  arranged in the cortex of ovary.  Aims  To explore and understand ayurvedic pathogenesis of PCOS. Material and methods Classical Ayurvedic books, particularly the Charaka Samhita, were thoroughly examined, together  with Sanskrit commentary, to compile a list of relevant references. A thorough search of the Internet  was conducted to locate prior study papers and related material. Conclusion According to ayurvedic prospective it is studied and its pathogenesis is tried to be established. It can  be considered as kapha vata predominant tridoshaja vikara & agnimandhya is main reason of  pathogenesis. So, it can be effectively treated by tridosha pacifying, agnivardhak chikitsa with  uttarvasti. 


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How to Cite

Kumari, S., & Saxena, A. (2021). Review of Ayurvedic concept of PCOS. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(7), 121-127.