A Review On Concept Of Gulma In Ayurveda


  • Priyadarshani Ashok Mohite P.G Scholar of Kayachikitsa Department Lokanete rajarambapu ayurvedic college islampur Author
  • Umesh Balaso Jagtap P.G Scholar of Kayachikitsa Department Lokanete rajarambapu ayurvedic college islampur Author
  • Sonal Shah H.O.D Kayachikitsa Department Lokanete rajarambapu ayurvedic college islampur Author




Charaka Samhita, Prakriti sama samaveta, Vikriti vishama samaveta, Ayurveda


Introduction Gulma is a disease entity linked to Vata (a bodily humour) that encompasses a wide range of  gastrointestinal and gynaecological disorders, however because to its complex clinical presentation,  diagnosis can be challenging. As a result, a thorough understanding of Gulma is required for precise  and straightforward diagnosis. Aims and objectives To conduct a Nidanatmaka (Epidemiological) study of Gulma in context of Dosha predominance. Material and methods Classical Ayurvedic books, particularly the Charaka Samhita, were thoroughly examined, together  with Sanskrit commentary, to compile a list of relevant references. A thorough search of the Internet  was conducted to locate prior study papers and related material. Results Shotha (Inflammation) and Shula have a close bond with Gulma (Pain). The main causal variables are  deranged Agni (Digestion & Metabolism vv) and emaciated Dhatu (Tissues), which provoke Vata by  raising its Ruksha Guna (Dryness) or inhibiting its functioning (Avarana) Conclusion Gulma is primarily Vata Dosha provoking. It can be found on the surface or deep within the Thoraco abdominal cavity, and it might be palpable or not. Shotha is the basic phenomenon that causes Gulma's  pathogenesis, and Shula is the Cardinal Symptom. In comparison to Prakriti Sama Samaveta , where  the result is perfectly in accordance with the cause, Vikriti Vishama Samaveta varieties of Dwandwaja  Gulma require specific treatment.


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Sharma R.K. Charak Samhita Part II, Nidan Sthan Chapter 3 /6, choukhambha Sanskrit, Varanasi; 2009.pp.44-45

Sharma R.K. Charak Samhita Part II, Nidan Sthan Chapter 3 /6, choukhambha Sanskrit, Varanasi; 2009.pp.45-46

Sharma R.K. Charak Samhita Chikitsa Sthan Chapter 5 /9-11, choukhambha Sanskrit, Varanasi 2009.pp. 255-256.

Sharma, P.V Sushrut Samhita, Uttar tantra, Chapter 42/ 10, choukhambha Sanskrit, Varanasi 2007.pp.421-422

Tripathy B Astanga Hrudaya, Nidan Sthan Chapter 11/41-43, choukhambha Sanskrit, Varanasi 2012.pp. 508

SRB’s Manual Of Surgery, 4th edition, By Sriram Bhat M, Jaypee Publications, Pg. No. 994-995

A concise textbook of Surgery by S. Das, Jaypee Publications ;2010.pp. No.1115

https://medicaldictionary.thefreedictionary.co m

Sharma R.K. Charak Samhita Chikitsa Sthan Chapter 5 /9-11, choukhambha Sanskrit, Varanasi 2009.pp. 255-256,

Sharma, P.V Sushrut Samhita, Uttar tantra, Chapter 42/ 10, choukhambha Sanskrit, Varanasi 2007.pp.421-422

Tripathy B Astanga Hrudaya, Nidan Sthan Chapter 11/41-43, choukhambha Sanskrit, Varanasi 2012.pp. 508



How to Cite

Mohite, P. A. ., Jagtap, U. B. ., & Shah, S. . (2021). A Review On Concept Of Gulma In Ayurveda. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(7), 154-157. https://doi.org/10.48165/