Covid19, Mucociliary Clearance And Mechanisms of Beneficial Effects of Various Yoga Practices


  • Jignesh Patel Student, Yoga Vidya Gurukul "Vishwa Yoga Darshan", Talwade, Taluka - Trimbak, District - Nasik, Maharashtra, India. Author
  • Vishwas Mandlik Founder Yogacharya, Yoga Vidya Gurukul "Vishwa Yoga Darshan", Talwade, Taluka - Trimbak, District - Nasik, Maharashtra, India. Author
  • Gandhar Mandlik Director: International Courses, Yoga Vidya Gurukul "Vishwa Yoga Darshan", Talwade, Taluka - Trimbak, District - Nasik, Maharashtra, India Author



COVID19, Mucociliary clearance, Nitric oxide, Yoga practices, Humming sound


The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19) outbreak is one of the biggest pandemics reported in the  history. Widespread prevalence of COVID19 have not only caused the respiratory consequences, but  also psychological effects because of its fear. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) is the virus responsible for COVID19 and have been reported to cause impairment in  mucociliary clearance (MCC) as a result of damage to the ciliary layer of respiratory epithelium.  Because MCC is one of the important defense process of respiratory system, impairment of MCC could be one of the important mechanisms of progression of COVID19. Yoga is a multidimensional  system of practices for physical, mental, and spiritual health popularly practiced all over the world for  physical and mental well-being. This article summarizes various components of COVID19, effect on  mucociliary clearance, role of nitric oxide and various mechanisms of beneficial effects of yoga asana,  pranayama, mantra chanting and meditation for prevention and treatment of COVID19. 


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How to Cite

Patel, J., Mandlik, V., & Mandlik, G. (2021). Covid19, Mucociliary Clearance And Mechanisms of Beneficial Effects of Various Yoga Practices. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(4), 97-108.