Impact Of Gramya Ahara On The Pathogenesis Of Prameha W.S.R. To Diabetes Mellitus-A Conceptual Study


  • Anil Badhoria Reader, Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College J&K, UT. Author
  • Ramesh Kaundal Lecturer Dept. Of Shalya tantra Govt. Ayurvedic College Patiala Punjab. Author
  • Jatinder Kumar Medical officer (Ayu.) Department of ISM, J&K, UT. Author



Gramya Ahara, Premeha, Diabetes


Gramya Ahara Includes all types of food habits, method of preparation and various activities which causes  vitiation of all doshas in the body. Charak in Rasayan Adhyaya Ayurved-Samuthaniya Pada has elaborated that  Gramya Ahara chosen by the society was not successful in making inroads in community health. Sedentary  lifestyle was responsible for less physical activity which became the cause of preventable diseases. Premeha  patients (Diabetic patients) are increasing day by day due to wrong diet and lifestyles, so there is a need to  understand the significance of Gramya Ahara in present scenario. 


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How to Cite

Badhoria, A., Kaundal, R., & Kumar, J. (2021). Impact Of Gramya Ahara On The Pathogenesis Of Prameha W.S.R. To Diabetes Mellitus-A Conceptual Study. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(3), 43-48.